Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

With Janine Nyce

Janine Nyce: Janine is a licensed Massage Therapist, Life Coach, Natural Therapeutics Specialist, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Polarity Therapist, 500h Yoga teacher and Yoga Nidra facilitator, Certified Herbalist and Reiki Master. She has been in practice since 1991.

Janine is offering an integrated approach to healing for the deepest aspect of ourselves, the subtle body, which is directly connected to the subconscious mind. When we experience life events that go beyond our available resources at the time, our body, in its loving defense of you and your peace will move to hold the assault, whether the assault be physical, emotional or visual. These holding patterns are created with our magical connective tissues which are also the tissues that allow energy or life force to travel throughout the body. As time goes on, we find that those holdings that were once there for our protection are now restricting life force from flowing where it needs to go. These holdings also begin to pull on neighboring structures effecting our health and well-being.

Janine is offering an integrated approach to releasing these holding patterns by combining Polarity Therapy and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. Craniosacral Therapy allows the client to rest deeply granting access to the subconscious field where the past is stored. Allowing us to witness and observe holdings of trauma, guilt, shame, fear, anxiety and held anger. This is done through allowing the cerebral spinal fluid to gently release the potency holding the pattern without having to go through the experience of reliving the experience itself. Combing Polarity Therapy accesses the elemental nadis associated with the imbalance and bring complete integration of released energies. This treatment sequence is also good for depression, PTSD, CPTSD, and bipolar depression.

What to expect during your session: This is not a massage so clients can come for their session in comfortable clothing, relax on a table while your nervous system delves deep into parasympathetic function. Rest, Relax, Reset, Restore!

Janine is also offering private Yoga Nidra sessions that actually access the same deeply held patterns.

Find out what freedom feels like!

Janine is now offering sessions at Shanteel Yoga in Sellersville, Pa. on Tuesdays. Contact Janine to set up an appointment. 267-377-5990