Massage Therapy

With  Hillery Woods


Hi, I’m Hillery Woods.  I’m delighted to be finding a place to land among the artist-practitioners of Shanteel.  As a master-massage-artist myself, I love the dynamic and caring energy here and look forward to being part of this community.  

I’m a Licensed Massage Therapist, an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher, Jin Shin Jyutsu professional practitioner, Alchemical Healing practitioner, Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor and Kripalu-trained Ayurvedic Bodyworker.  Furthering my studies refines my focus to provide services based in self-help that support healthy aging through preventive, restorative, lifestyle, and functional wellness.  

Applying the art of being fully present for your session helps me realize my goal.  My goal is to work with your True Nature where harmony and balance exist between your mind, body, and feelings reflecting from your relationship to yourself, others and to all areas of your life. Feeling good extends past the time on my massage table with personal tools for self help informed by Yoga, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Ayurveda.   

I’ve had clients describe me as a muscle doctor with magical hands, which I love hearing!  In the scope of my practice I cannot diagnose.  Yet the patterns of the body and mind are reliable, especially when seeking the Source of dis-ease.  I see myself as a detective observing patterns and tracking trajectories.  Trajectories informed by history, circumstance and Karma help me put some of the pieces together, back to wholeness.  That is what healing is:  A return to wholeness.  

As a Kripalu-trained Ayurvedic Bodyworker, I see how potent and gentle the art of balancing the doshas can be.  Returning the body and mind to rest in the light of Prakriti is my duty and prayer.  It is that place of wholeness that connects you to the Nature inside and outside.  Ayurveda is the study of Self that shows us how to make medicine throughout the day with our choices:  illuminating the right way for us to make daily decisions in alignment with our Nature.  

I invite you to explore my website-, schedule an appointment and introduce yourself to me when you see me around.  I can’t wait to meet you and grow together.